It is that time of year when we like to reflect on things done and not done and set goals for ourselves for the coming 12 months!
For those of you who follow my blog you will know I have had a bit of a rough ride this year. Leaving the security of my university job was a massive step but essential for my health and well being. I took 6 months out and got myself well again and am feeling fairly ok now! For the last 2 months I have been doing agency work as a nurse at my local hospital and have surprised myself with how much I am enjoying it. My initial thoughts were to make a go of the jewellery business and whilst that is still something I am striving to do reality has bitten and I need to be earning a regular decent wage which with the best will in the world the jewellery business is not able to provide me currently.
So my goals for this year are as follows:
1) continue to work in the hospital to ensure a regular decent wage (no more eating food at my parents cos I can't afford to buy my own!!!)
2) find the balance between working as a nurse and making jewellery ( this is gonna be tricky as I am working shifts again but where there is a will there is a way
3) save up enough money to do my level 1 silver metal clay certification
4) be happy and well and a decent mum to my kids and a good wife to Tony.
Maybe that 4th item should be 1st in my list as this is the ultimate aim of my life. I did not write it in priority order but as things came to me. I am smiling now as this is classic of my mind I really should learn to put myself first a bit more and stop pressuring myself so much.
I am off now to see what I wrote last New Year (and to go to work shortly) so I will leave you all with hearty good wishes for a Happy New Year. May 2010 bring you everything you want, health, happiness and with a bit of luck some relaxation from money worries!
Here is to 2010........cheers xx