When these are dried and finished these will be a christmas present for my mum from my dad! I have spent ages looking at flowers and cutters etc to make flowers with the Art Clay. My mum's fav flower is dahlia so I have kinda based the jewellery on dahlia but it is more of a generic flower rather than any specific flower. I think I chickened out of doing anything to complex as I am still relatively new to Art Clay and PMC. I hope she likes them. It was quite fiddly but not to hard to make. I think I will fire it before I finish it as I don't want to break it.
Other news...I have approached my local newspaper to run an article on me and they seem interested. The photographer was supposed to come round today but he did not get here! Not sure why will email them on monday!
I am having a jewellery party on the 5th December so I am busy busy making jewellery. I was going up my shed tonight but the call of PMC was to much, so the beads can be tomorrows treat, mind you I have got a fireworks party tomorrow night so we shall have to see.
Final piece of news I am so proud of my eldest daughter, she has just started senior school and due to a variety of factors they were not streamed when the term started. The school has taken its time to get to know the kids and today they were streamed. Imogen has made it into the top stream. I really pushed her to do her 11+ and in hindsight I was wrong, she is doing so well at Technology College and grammar school may have been to much for her. You know what though I don't think I tell her enough how proud I am of her so Mimi when you read this you rock baby...and I love you very much!
Right enough slush and mush!!! best be off
They look lovely Sam, I cant wait to see them finished. I'm sure your Mum will love them.