I actually left the sewing machine alone and made some beads ;o) I only made some beads for an order for a couple of customers I am still strugggling a bit for concentration which is a little bizarre as I can concentrate on making bags!!! I am not worried tho my mojo will come back and I will be back on form with the beads real soon!!!
I stuck to simple beads today, some pink lady from reicenbach hand shaped into nuggets. I have made these before and the lady who bought them has asked me to make some more.
I also have a commission from a previous customer who has asked me to make her some jewellery for her aunt birthday. I have a very wide remit with little boundaries but she did give me an idea of what she liked so I am working on a couple of ideas in my head.
I have also been asked to do another tutorial for Beads and Beyond, that is my 3rd one and I am quite chuffed, it is another art clay project but some of my handmade beads will feature as well! I am looking forward to getting down to it next week.
This weekend is going to be somewhat stressful. Some how some time ago I apparently agreed that my 11 year old can have a sleepover for her 12th birthday! Soooo.....This weekend I am going to have 5 12 year olds roaming around! Tony has got some work this weekend so it is up to me to keep em amused!! OMG!!!! I must be mad. Should be ok actually, I have met most of Imogens friends and they are a nice bunch got a few things planned for them as well!!!
Right best be off better cook tea!