Tuesday, 12 August 2008

Finally got some new stock listed!

Bless him my OH has done my photos again tonight and I have fianlly got some beads listed on the website for sale!

It has been a rough day for me really and this has been quite therapeutic for me to finally spend some time sorting stock out! My youngest daughter is being quite testing at the moment and I seem to be the focus for her tantrums. It is quite stressful when you try not to lose your rag with them but they really do push you to the limits! hey ho though thats what you get when you have kids! My mum calls it finding their niche in life!

I have got an appointment with the bank manager tomorrow so hopefully that will help with the money stresses, not that I imagine we are any different to most other people in this country what with the cost of living an all that! But I am going part time in my day job in september so any little things we can do now to help will be fab!!! This also means I can spend a bit more time making my beads which quite frankly I totally love doing. They are so relaxing to make and it is a bit of "me" time. It would be even nicer if I can successfully make a small business out of it! Share my pleasure so to speak!!!

Anyway the hour groweth late and my bed is calling me


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