Saturday, 30 August 2008

Minature Railway

Hiya, sorry I have been a bit quiet this week. My OH has had a week off and we have all tried to spend a bit of family time together. Tuesday was a bike ride to Reculver (my backside is still a little tender!!!) and today we went on the Romney, Hythe and Dymchurch Minature railway. Follow the link for further information!

My OH has never been on this despite living fairly close all his life. My grandparents and parents all hail from that neck of the woods so it was nice to revisit old "stamping" grounds!

I have managed to get some bead time in sneaky preview above. The picture is not that fab but I hope you get the gist! My OH has also been busy making a little bead rack for my Belita beads (silver core beads). This is a minature version of one he made for my bigger beads. I am exhibiting at a bead show in November so this will come in very useful for my beads!
Anyway, gotta go been a busy day will catch up soon.

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